Saturday, January 28, 2006


●Author: Cunha Simões

●Original title: Rezas e Benzeduras Populares
▪ Exorcismos e Lengalengas
●Translator:José Patrício
●Email: ▪
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●Excels, Lda.
●Fax: 249 891 397
●Cunha Simões
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▪2384-909 Alcanena
●Legal Deposit no. 210549/04
●ISBN no. 972-8832-20-6
●Copyright: Fernando José Corte-Real Cunha Simões


Will it be that, even in your youth you never heard to speak of prayers? Or on the contrary you believe you can recover with their help?In the first case you have the opportunity of remembering innocence times. Return to your childhood, now and then, it is a gift that we provide ourselves because it is the time in that we are happy. We simply believe and its all. Enjoy yourself with Cunha Simões going back to your ingenuousness of then. "If it was possible a return to my times of little boy!…”, are you thinking perhaps. But go. It’s back to the ol’ ball game. Recall and live. Try and read. Delight yourself.But a a warning! If you belong to the second case the subject is more serious. You believe in miracles. And as what it is necessary is to believe, so they happen. Then pray and cure yourself. And read to know how.But don’t hesitate. Because if the faith is affected, a little bit that it will be there isn’t cure any more. Then look for a doctor if the disease persists. They don't forgive without treatment. But if a miracle is to you a real thing, go on with your faith. God can make miracles for the pure and simple reason that He is God. And can we also make miracles? What a silly question will the reader think. No, it is not. We, all of us can make miracles because we are linked to God being us, for that same reason what we can designate for minor gods. And then do you want to know how you can make miracles too? Nothing more simple. For that very reason you have only to read one of the last publications of Cunha Simões. Go and read, delight yourself and don't stop here. Write to the author asking an exemplar of the book “ We are gods linked to God.”

The Translator

José Patrício


Será que, até mesmo na sua mocidade nunca ouviu falar de rezas? Ou pelo contrário acredita que pode curar – se com elas?
No primeiro caso tem aqui a oportunidade de se lembrar dos tempos da inocência. Voltar à infância, de vez em quando, é uma dádiva que nos proporcionamos porque esse é o tempo em que somos felizes. Simplesmente acreditamos e pronto! Divirta – se com Cunha Simões que o conduz de volta ao seu tempo de menino. "Se fosse possível um retorno aos meus tempos de criança! pensará de quando em vez". Mas vá. Recorde e viva. Experimente e leia. Vamos, deleite – se.
Mas cuidado! Se pertence ao segundo caso o assunto é mais sério. Acredita em milagres. E como o que é necessário é acreditar, assim eles realizam – se. Então reze e o cure – se. E leia para saber como.
Mas não hesite. Porque se a fé é afectada, um pouco que seja, lá se vai a cura. Então procure o médico se a doença persiste. Elas não perdoam sem tratamento.
Mas se tem fé em milagres não a deixe abalar. Deus pode fazer milagres pela pura e simples razão porque é Deus. E nós também podemos fazer milagres? Mas que pergunta tão tola, irá o leitor pensar. Não, não é. Nós, todos nós podemos fazer milagres porque estamos unidos a Deus sendo, por essa mesma razão o que podemos designar por deuses menores. Quer então saber como também pode fazer milagres? Nada mais simples. Para isso terá apenas que ler uma das últimas publicações de Cunha Simões. Vá delicie – se e não fique por aqui. Escreva ao autor a pedir um exemplar do livro " Nós somos deuses ligados a Deus.

O Tradutor

José Patrício



Since a lot of years that I was thinking to join up in a book some prayers and conjurations in order to recover from the evils of the body and of the mind. However I was missing to compare the different versions among the different ways of healing cut or withdraw the demon. For a happy and kind chance, the young Teresa dos Santos Louçano talked to me about Mrs. Lídia Lousada and about the many prayers she knew, then it was only to record what the nice lady had been telling. I compared with the material that I had already collected with the one of other people as Mrs. Cremilde Costa, Mrs. Mariana, Mr. António Geraldes and I checked that a lot of prayers were similar to those I already owned, what took me to confirm the truthfulness of the same ones and I decided to publish them for they don't get lost from the memory of the people and persist to last long through the centuries.
It is my desire that everybody take advantage with the popular knowledge, as God helps if each one will help himself.

I already see the dawn, I already see the day.
This is my praise to the Sacred Trinity
That protects me with its infinite kindness
And I surrender to God and Virgin Mary


In the beginning of the day, one says:
Thanks to you oh my divine king
Your power will quite drawn.
Infinite thanks I give you
For you let me to dawn.
You, my heavenly king
Soul and life for you
Give me a little shelter in the Sky
If you see I deserve it.
Every step I’ll give
All of the steps that I give
Help me with your companionship
And if I’ll be weak any time
Help me to get up.
In praise of Virgin Mary’s honour
An our Father and a Hail Mary.


I pray to the Virgin Mary
And to Our Lord, my God
So that when beginning this day
Be born with me the happiness
And come the hope from the Skies.
Come God and his angels,
I’ll adore all
That the day runs well to me
And feel inclined to work.

One says an our Father and a Hail Mary.


Good eyes see me
Bad eyes don’t.
That you get
All the evil you are longing for me


My home am I leaving
And my live run
That so many angels escort me
As the steps I’m going to do.

God with me and I with god
God ahead and I after him
That our Lady defend me
From demon’s temptations


Saint Peter save me well that I’m far gone.
Jesus Christ was baptised.
In Noah's ark I’ll put me into.
With Saint Peter’s key
In order to avoid all evil
I’ll lock me
And that appear
Everything I have lost.
To Jesus I give myself up
And a creed I’m going to pray
The responsories are popular prayers told to the saints in order devils did not appear or that lost thing be found.
They are versicles too that are sung or recited in the religious ceremonies.


Oh my dear Jesus, this prayed mass
In the sky be presented.
God give me a fraction
For the salvation of my soul.


My God. In spite of my poverty, deign to accept I sit down at your table


Water of the side of Christ washes me
Blood of Christ raises me
Passion o Christ comforts me.
My good Jesus hear me.
Into your sores hid me
In the hour of my death call me
In order to go to you
To praise and adore you
For all the centuries of the centuries,

After this prayer, the person should concentrate and ponder if whatever she has done is useful for herself and for her fellow creatures.
All those that lie before God and in his holy Church, will never reach the fullness of the happiness, even owing more than they deserve.
When they are doing the prayer they wake Lord’s Spirit and instead of receiving thanks he signs the mistakes they want transmit him.
In the book “We are gods, linked to God", I explain as everything happens because we are God’s threads linked to this world.


In a pot with boiling water let’s throw down some little branches of nettles and as we are moving them we make the sign of the cross over the person with the evil and say:

Drone, drone.
Drone, scoundrel
I bless you, I “pisso” you
So that you start far away,
For the other side of the sea waters
And you drown oh impediment
And who are doing it.

It should be said five times and three days, day by day. The person gets trust in herself again and should believe that she can get everything in life.
The word “pisso” should be a deviation of French of the verb “pisser” that means to urinate. As the French stayed here between 1807 and 1814, during the Napoleonic wars. Who caused the impediment were they and for that they watered them with that they had closer at hand and always ready to squirt.


You are Bewitched. Two gave it for you
Three must take it away;
They are three the persons of the Blessed Trinity.
In praise of the Virgin Mary, an our Father and a Hail Mary

We have to tell the prayer five times, while one crosses over the person’s head.
In a plate with water throw down three drops of olive oil. If the person has bewitching, the olive oil will disperse wholly, if she hasn’t, the three drops will carry on as if they were alive eyes and the evil has gone.
The bewitching is a weakness or discouragement felt by the person and which is always credited to the evil eye.


One sweeps the place very well where the person stands. It should be very airy. At least we have always two people. The number can be up to five and all say the prayer aloud. If that who suffers from the evil of the “cabeço” (evil of head) also get to say it, better. If she doesn't all the other people replace her and they tell the prayer for her.
Let us imagine a whole of five people. If the person to help doesn't know or she doesn't want to say the prayer, each one of the other people prays once for her. What means that they pray for her four times, later each one prays for the patient, in all other four. What means a whole of eight times. The leader prays once again to do the number nine, which represents a novena.

The patient is sprinkled in cross, by the person who guides, with a rosemary branch, wet in holy water.

Help me saint Quieter.
Valuable Saint.
And help me day and night
And when I get blunder.
He shall bring some little saints
In order to hold them too
If I don't hold on to the fairs
I tear my hair and I numb
I turn bad from my head “cabeço” (head)
I am not capable to think.
Help me Saint Quitéria, help me to the brains
Because only you will understand me
And my madness.


In the middle of three or more people it is a jug containing so many half glasses of wine so far as the number of people presents.
They make three curses with the empty glasses. Then, in the end, they say together: "Cheers to the patriarch Noah, that is fond of the bottle, to Saint Bebiana, for that the wine doesn’t go home nor to bed, this wine that we are here drinking and here we promise never getting drunk."
They drink slowly, in small sips, the wine drawn from the jug after the consecration.

This wine, fruit of the earth,
That to God was consecrated
May not be drunk exaggeratedly
Nor alone until falling.
By Saint Bebiana
The common sense always exists
As the man always insists
On rolling to mistaken.
Protect me from the temptation
Of too much wine to gulp
And to thank you, it is my part
To offer you my heart.

Saint Bebiana was a 4th century roman. She died in consequence of an order of the roman emperor. She is Drinkers’ patron


This blessing is made to the break of the dawn and with the presence of the lazy that want to amend.
Through the will of God all happens
Through God’s will everything can happen
But only with the will of his relatives all will appear.
It appears the eating will
It appears the singing will
It appears the working will
And the body offered to God
Will amend one day
In order to the fortune will grow
As he knows to walk.
The fortune is fecund woman
Ephemeral to whom lazes.
She fights the whole life
And she goes to mass on Sundays
And if one will do so with Saint Expedite orders
And Saint Catherine’s’ knowledge
There isn’t teenager
That didn’t get everything he wants
When accomplishing his duty in the earth
And whether he will go to bed and get up early
With Saint Geronimo’s blessing
That was very skilled saint
Five times to bless you am I going
And take away from your body
All dead weight
That remains staying.

The ceremonial’s advisor blesses the people with an olive tree branch, wet in holy water as he is saying: By God and the Virgin Mary an our Father and an Hail Mary.
All the assistants pray while she calmly is going sprinkling small droplets of water.


Where enters Jesus' saint name
Doesn't enter any evil.
I bless you creature of the glance.
If it is in the head, the Head’s Lady,
If it is in the face, Lady Saint Clara.
If it is in the arms, Mr. Saint Marcos.
If it is in the backs, Veronicas ‘Lady.
And if it is in the body
The Lord Jesus Christ, who has the whole power.

My Saint Ann, my Virgin Mary, My Lord Jesus. As well as that is truth, so this evil eye be removed from here and for the waves of the sea being thrown. Where don't hear roosters or chickens singing.
In praise of God and the Virgin Mary, an our Father and a Hail Mary.
This prayer is made with the rosary in the hand.
One says a Hail - Queen. It is said nine times and for nine days.

Note: One calls Veronica the woman that in the processions of the Week Saint takes the Saint Sudarium.
The Saint Sudarium is the cloth in that Jesus was shrouded.
One calls Veronica too to the cloth where the image of Jesus' face is printed.


The Sun is his father,
The Moon is his mother,
The wind brought her,
Let the wind take him a very deep land and that weight him enough for having a very long and gossiper tongue.
That the whole life for his wickedness be punished.
That he hasn’t either money or life “ro” (resistance). That he is down and out and, if he doesn’t amend (one says the name of the person that constantly interferes intentionally and execrate the other people’s life) be execrated the whole life.

In praise and honour of Saint Cyprian, that it is not a honey – mouthed that doesn't let fall in the mistake, one should say a creed singing.


Toad, huge toad, spider, large spider
Syrup, boiler I cut you with this little cross.
For here it passed bug or thought
But with this ointment everything will pass.
If you scratched yesterday, today you will scratch
But with this ointment and Saint Benedict blessing
That will recover.
Stare at this little cross.
Watch through where she will pass
And if you will never feel it the itch will stop.
In praise and honour of the Virgin Mary
An our Father and a Hail Mary.

The advisor holds a little cross in his hand that passes through the itch. One repeat the prayer seven times while he is going anointing lightly the patient with the ointment that it is usually an cream done in the base of a fat and a resin.


I cure you, I bless you
Here at this hour and at this time
With all the present saints.
In saint's Onofre praise,
And with these crosses that I will do
(He makes the crosses over the forehead, over the head and over the nape)
Your fortune will grow,
From your disease you’ll recover,
Your life will get better.
I cut you and slash and I cut again,
And with the help of the Sacred Sacrament
The devil will tear
Who threw you the envy,
The body harmed and the money destroyed.

For the person to be well and receive what she deserves one prays three ours Fathers and Three Hail Maries.


Come down over me, Creative Spirit
Of whatever there are in the earth and in the skies.
Everything you bore; man you grew up
To understand the evils of the world
You that imagined it another sky.
You received for pay a crown of thorns.
And me too, my God, I undergo what I don't deserve.
I don't get to pick the fruit of my toil.
Therefore I ask you that you send saints
To observe what I do and as I sacrifice myself
For the glory of God and of the men
To whom I render honest services.
Order me Saint Judas Thaddeus, Saint Onofre
Saint James, Saint Christopher, Saint Expedite
To have chance of filling the house and coffer,
To feel strong, confident and rich
And to distribute for the family and for the poor.
Help me, fruit and tree of whatever exists
Hear my prayer and my supplication
And never let me be discouraged in my tasks.
I am sure You are not going to abandon me
And it is with hope, faith, love and happiness
That I say You an our Father and a Hail Mary.


Lord, mighty and merciful God
Who the Sun, the wind, the airs and the seas obey.
Jesus, my Deity and my glorious guide,
My Saint and blessed Virgin Mary
Protect me always and not only on this day.
Do that all the ones that want me badly
And try to harm me in that I do
Enclose in the their lives a hardy awkwardness
And never find me or speak to me.
That their eyes don't see
Those in their roads get lost
And that their languages turn silent
So that under your protector mantle
All my life wins a new direction.

In honour and praise of the Holy Sacrament, of the Trinity and of Jesus' Sacred Heart. An our Father prayed over the cross, a creed and a Hail Mary.


Go away from here. That the seven sunbeams
And the seven moonbeams are going before you.
That the waves of the sea seize you
Wherever there be neither bread nor wine,
Nor boys breathe.
God did you, God created you,
God remove from you the evil that somebody cursed you.
And the envy that was thrown to you
Return to whom threw it to you.

One says an our Father and a Hail Mary in praise of Saint Cyprian that was converted and repent after having expelled Satan of his body and of his thought.


The bewitching are acts of blessing, of consecrating to protect who needs.
Who blesses bestows a lot of his energy to whom needs it. It is for that that these mixed rituals mixed of faith and superstition get to be quite effective when the saintly puts there all his force and concentration.


My quite beloved Lord, to God I promise that this patient will enjoy health. The Lord help for his beloved son's instruction. And our mother our Lady, ask for mercy to her blessed son that this patient doesn't suffer from this disease any more. Amen.

One blesses three times the patient with three rosemary branches and two of lavender and it is said: in praise of the Virgin Mary and of Her son our Lord, an our Father and a Hail Mary.


I bless you constipation, in praise of God, and of Saint Simon.
If it is constipation of Sun, I bless you in praise of God and of Lord Higher Saint.
If it is constipation of heat, I bless you in praise of God and of Saint Salvador.
If it is wind constipation, I bless you on behalf of God and of the Holy Sacramento.
If it is constipation of air, I bless you on behalf of God and of Saint Amaro.
If it is constipation of cold air with hot air, I bless you on behalf of God and of Saint Vincent.
If it is constipation of water, I bless you on behalf of God and of Saint James.
If it is constipation of cold water, I bless you on behalf of the Virgin Mary.
If it is coldness, I bless you on behalf of God and of Saint Teresa.
If it is constipation that came from the creature's body, sudden, I bless you on behalf of God and of Santa Catharine.
With this saint Monday, with this saint Tuesday, with this saint Wednesday, with this saint Thursday, with this saint Friday, with this saint Saturday and with this saint Sunday, that is sacred day in that our Lady blessed her Saint son and he recovered, be served of removing the constipation of this creature's body: of the head, of the throat, of the backs, of the arms, of the chest, of the belly, of the buttocks, of the legs, of all conjunctures of the body.
Where I put my hand, put the Lord the virtue. It is not mine it is of God and of the Virgin Mary.
Our father, a Hail Mary. One repeats nine times and we offer the o.F and the H.M. to the saint of that day.

Note: I heard five versions of this same prayer and almost all coincident. It is of enhancing that the person that makes the blessing, in the end says: "Where I put the hand, put the Lord virtue", wanting to mean with this that your energy is linked to God and for that it can cure.
One of that people, maybe because feared that the effect of the prayer was not enough, gave a little increase sheen and added up:
For Saint Cosmos et Saint Damian pour down milk on the onion, and let them very well to boil. Remove the onion later. To the milk join honey, drink this finished product that finishes with the cold to the end of three days.


One blesses, three times the person with the nervous crisis and, with firm voice, one says:
Where is Jesus' Saint Name doesn't enter any evil.
Who did diabolical flatus bring you for here?
Look, the Lord is mightier than you are.
If Jesus Christ do come around shall cut you and root you up. It takes you and it exorcises you for the other side of the waters of the sea, where you do not hear roosters and chickens singing, or bells playing.
I, with the creed in cross and Jesus' Saint name, from here I will make jump that to the body (he says the person's name that is suffering) you must not return.
I bless you flatus, on behalf of God Father, of God Son and of God Holy Spirit, for the three people of the Trinity and for the drops of blood that the Lord poured on the cross to saving us be served to throw this flatus for the other side of the waters of the sea.
In praise of God and of the Virgin Mary; our Father, Hail Mary.

Note: in case of the possessed people or with very intense nervous crises don't calm down, to the blessing it is proceed the exorcise:

One says again: where is Jesus' Saint Name doesn't enter any evil. The provocation is followed to the flatus in order to expel it.
Enter when I exorcise you furious flatus.
I exorcise you stopped flatus.
I exorcise you surly flatus.
I exorcise you evil flatus!
Of the whole part of this body you be exorcised.
I exorcise you from the head, from the arms, from the stomach, from the belly, from the backs, from the little loins, from the buttocks, from the legs. From the whole part of that body you are exorcised. For the other side of the waves of the sea you are thrown so that in this body you don't have access. In praise of God and of the Virgin Mary, our Father, Hail Mary.
While it is powered citron tea over him, the creed is said and it is blessed in cross.
This practice can be repeated in a maximum of nine times, but in alternate days. If it is spirit, usually, to the third time it disappears.

The exorcise is a ritual used to expel something that is considered malicious. Some people say that are spirits, another assert that it is hysteria.
The Vatican in order to cure the spiritual evils did create a University where the best technique is supplied to expel the spirits that upset the people.
It is the most evident proof that is possible to any one, with knowledge today, full of the 21st century , more than two thousand years after Jesus Christ the Vatican to support the Papal University, Academia Regina Apostolorum, where courses are supplied to expel demons and to calm the possessed that believe are overcome by an occult entity.
Only one smaller addendum. When the exorcist speaks in chairs, the word refers to the buttocks.


Pox - herpes, black, little black, huge black, damned, cursed, excommunicated, I cut you the legs, I cut you the head, I cut you the tail, I cut you the conjunctures of the body. All the lines that you have in the heart.
Herpes I must cut you in praise of God.
In praise of the Virgin Mary, an our Father and a Hail Mary.
The blessing is said five times and it is cut in cross with a knife.

Note: the herpes is a cutaneous lesion characterized by groups of yellow vesicles that structure crusts in the period of the cure. When one calls them “alvarinhas” is because is taken as a benign cow-pox.
The conjunctures are the unions of the bones.


Water of the Christ’s side Wash me
Bless me and help me
That I don’t support so much pain
And the itching and the ardency
Almost take me to the agony.
Send me Saint Martin
That mixes water in the wine
And clean and purify me.
Send me too, My Lord
The best olive oil in the world
And a saint woman
That with the sign of the cross
And the prayers that she will know
Anoint me later the wounds.
It is to You that I offer me
For the evils that I suffer
And I promise to clean always
With cloths of great whiteness
The part of my heat
And do until getting well I’ll do it.
To God and the Virgin Mary.
To Saint Cosmo and Saint Damian
And to all the saints that attend me
I give them my gratitude.

It was common, the people, to treat these evils, that formed very unpleasant crusts to the view, festering and very painful, cleaning these hurts with mixed wine with some water, to turn it softer. Then they anointed the fistula with olive oil. They did it during some days.
So that the product produced a faster effect one resorted to the prayer.
I found immense prayers, practically for all the evils. Today, with the progresses of the medicine, these home remedies and holy are disappearing although there are people that use them yet..


I bless you, bad wound.
For God you will be closed and in a contained box so that you cannot breathe.
If you want leave now.
If you don't want little time you have to decide, therefore Jesus will sink down and as soon as He’ll see you, you must quickly decide.
I bless you once, I bless you two or three in order to as well as Jesus Christ's wounds closed in his mother's arms you close yourself and recover for the incommensurable power of the skies.

One says a Hail - Queen and an our Father and one asks God that if the wound doesn't recover, the doctor will come to treat the disease and get to solve it with the help of the Divine powers.


Save us our Lady of our enemies. On behalf of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To cure the herpes and the poisonous evils it is made the sign of the cross and it is said:

If you are a toad, I’ll kill you.
If you are a frog, I’ll tear you.
If you are snake you are just going into the river.
If you are a spider, a huge spider, a snake, a large snake, a toad, a large toad
The evils of this lame creature will leave,
So that in this body will not stay evil or pain,
Nor anything that evil be anymore.
As well as the sores of our Lord Jesus Christ were carried through by his divine love, this body will recover again.
To praise and honour the Virgin Mary, an our Father and a Hail Mary.

One says it nine times and nine days and in the end it is always said:
God performed you, God created you. God remove you all the evil that entered your body.
If the evil persists, one aids: my God have mercy on this person, heal her. Don't let me stay badly. One says an our Father and a Hail Mary.

Note: the zoster is a painful inflammation of the skin, manifested by the emergence of small bubbles.
The shingles also called herpes is the skin eruption attributed to the passage of poisonous animals, over the clothes one gets dressed.


I cut you slowly, as if butter I was going to cut.
I cut once. I cut two. I cut three until your blood to stanch.
I call for assistants Saint Cosmo and Saint Damien and if they don't get the haemorrhage to stanch I will call Saint Simon. And I will call all the saints necessary to tackle you the running.
In praise and honour of Our Lord and of yours adored Son, an our Father and a Hail Mary in order to be our intelligence and our guide.

While this blessing is said, one is going doing crosses over the area where the haemorrhage stands. Of course today the doctors are everywhere and, it is more natural and safer to the people to appeal to them.


Knife, you cut bread, you cut meat. You will cut everything we shall want. Cut the sciatica to this person that cannot wait.
If you are sciatic or alike, damned go away from here!
I cut you, I cut you again, I bar you from the East, from the west, for the sacred nativity of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ and in praise and honour of the Virgin Mary.
An Our Father and a Hail Mary.
One repeat nine times.


Peter and Paul were going away from Rome and half way they have found our Lady. She asked them: “Where are you coming from?
Peter and Paul: “We are coming from Rome, My Lady”.
“What about the news?
- It is dying a lot of people there as it goes around the erysipelas and erysipelas’s attacks.

- Go back to Rome, Peter and Paul. Plague them with olive oil and olive tree leaf to death.
Fast everybody would recover to Virgin’s praise and honor.
Our Father. Hail Mary.
It is said nine times and in nine following days.

The erysipelas is a contagious disease that is uttered by inflammation of the skin and it is provoked by an infection originated by a lot of bacteria.
The erysipelas is also called fire-of-saint-Anton.
Erysipelas’ attack is what the name points out, an attack of the illness, in fact is a strong one.
As the people would save words, call them zipela and zipelas’ attack. We are more spendthrift. We give them the right names: erysipelas, erysipelas’ attack. The people also rise as they speak better, even if continue with these prayers, that, some, even produce a fast effect although today, with so much doctors and with such highly developed medicine it should be quite faster to visit a doctor. But each one is free to do what appreciates. With prayer or with doctor what interests is to turn save and sound. Or then to bring into play the two systems.


Lady Saint Ana,
Lady Saint Mary,
Lady Saint Lucia.
Together around the world.
Holding three gold little clews.
With one, they warped.
With other they wove.
With other, nebulas, ergots and cataracts pour.
In praise of the Virgin Mary, an our Father, and a Hail Mary.

Insofar as one is praying one holds a little wheat grain, makes a cross over the eye and put the grain into a glass of water to receive the evil that one has in the eye.

The nebulas are opaque or semitransparent stains of the cornea.
The ergots are small eruptions caused by a fungus.


The person blesses herself and says:

Knife, you cut bread, you cut meat and you cut everything that you want and what they let you cut. Cut the air to this person as she cannot wait.
I cut you the air of the door,
I cut the air of the windows,
I cut the air of the sea,
I cut the air of the cemetery,
I cut the air of the earth,
And all the bad airs in the world
In order to expel evil and pain from this body
And whatever evil it may be.
For the five wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that were carried through by His Divine love, this body just recover again.
In praise of Virgin Mary's honour, an our Father and an Hail Mary.


Those three young Knights whom God gave the power, who grants it to John and John gave it to cut these lumbricus which must in the water pulverise.
With this cross I help them to undo (makes de signal of the cross over the person’s stomach).
With this cross I help them to get out (repeat the Crosse’s signal).
Where never more lumbricus will come (repeat the Crosse’s signal).
In praise and honour of the Virgin Maria,
An our Father and a Hail Mary.


Tied is going the lamb,
Tied leaving to the log’s cross
If you are darling son
That Man that you are looking for
Ahead you don't go more
As that Man is Jesus
That there is going in that cross
With three imbedded carnations.
Saint John is going by side
And the Virgin Mary with great pain.
What do you have oh my Son,
What have you oh my Lord,
That the backs take open,
With that cross of heavy wood?
Neither seven are transporting it, nor will seven carry it.
Help me here Simon.
Yes my Lord I will help.
But you must take it
And to each little step you are going to do
To the ground you must kneel down.
The Sun was darkening.
The son of God was dying.
He died to save us.
Who this cannot believe
Go up to that hill.
He will see the street watered of His true blood.
What a so long street
For who from far away comes
For Our Lord Jesus Christ
That is approaching from Jerusalem.
Who knows it doesn't say it
Who hears it doesn’t learn it
There it will come the day of the last judgement
And he will see that he will not repent.
Who this blessed prayer will say
Thursday of Holy Week will remove
Four souls from the purgatory.
The first will be his
His father's the second,
The third of his mother
And the fourth of whom he will love the best.
In praise of God and of the Virgin Mary, an our Father and a Hail Mary.


My Lord of the garden.
You were arrested
You were killed
You forgave Your death.
Forgive my sins.
They are so many and embarrassed
That I’ll never be able to own up them
Neither to priest, nor to friar.
I confess you, Lord
That You are the light of life
And the source of the truth.
My Jesus, give me the forgiveness.
Give me in this world the peace
And in the other the salvation.


My God sink from the sky to the earth,
Come to assist the world
Where the war shows off
On the verge of
A world war.
However if You are in the earth ball
Nobody will be able to do us badly.
By God and for the Virgin Mary
An our Father and a Hail Mary.
Amen, Jesus.


Oh my God. Giving worth to the Infant Jesus
Tell the Divine Saver
To come into my heart.
But he is very tiny
For receiving such a great king.
But I hope to turn it big
For the faith and for the love.

Sacred heart of Jesus, protect the whole world.
Don't let it fall in the mortal sin.
Sacred heart of Jesus that so much you love us,
Do that we love you
More and more.


With the grace of God and the protection of the Virgin Mary you entered the skies’ brotherhood with the angels for companions, the archangels as wayfarers and the seraphs as stars that your steps will go after and they will never let you fall into the snares of this world . As John Baptist baptized Jesus and linked him between the sky and the earth, in the same way, with the water that you had, you got the open road to accomplish the life in work, wealth and well-being.
Let the Holy Spirit illuminate you during a lifetime.
In praise and honour of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, an our Father and a Hail – Queen.


To Saint Catharine I stick, to Saint Theresa I lean up, to the saints doctors Saint Ambrose, Saint Jerome, Saint Augustine, Saint Great Gregory, Saint Athanasius, Saint Basil, Saint Gregory Nazianz, Saint John Crisostomo and I lean myself to Saint Cyril for to be given me the pleasure of my children be protected.
So that they never get annoyed and know how to hear everything with ponderation. So that from the entrance in the school they know how to respect their mates, without they never say badly from one another nor to do spites to the animals.
It is to you, my saints, of all of times and of all ages that I bestow the treasures of God so that they don't swear in vain, that they don't spend badly what lacks to who has little and that on the contrary they study in order to deal out the fruits of God that are the intelligence, the love and the wealth.
To you that are sacred and informed of everything because you studied and learned I praise you praying to God, to the Virgin, and to Sacred Trinity, an our father and a Hail - Queen.


I call you, my Lord, for the couple to blessing and for in the one and in the other you seal up the link of the connection.
Do of them only one so that love and respect be mutual. In order to force duplicate, their intelligence triplicate in the sacred union where the humanity is generated and the children will be their fruits and their continuation.
You’ll bless the couple. The wealth you’ll give them. The understanding you’ll increase and of the evils you will liberate them since they pay attention to the useless expenses and silly discussions.
For them I call upon our Lady Appeared’s protection, of Saint Barbara, of our Lady of Fatima and of all the Saints doctors.
In praise and honour of the Virgin Mary and Jesus consecrated a Hail - Queen and a prayed our Father.

aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa

Maybe that the Virgin and Our Lord Jesus Christ come, on this night, to call me to account. But me, alas, how can I appear in His court?
The sins that I have been doing make me to shake of shame.
What ungratefulness, oh my God.
You didn't let pass only one instant without benefiting me and I passed them all always forgetting you and remembering only to offend You.
It has been so, that for so many years, I have been corresponding to so many Divine benefits.
I should already be burning in the fire of the hell.
But pardon oh my God, pardon.
Within Your Divine hands I order my spirit.
You that redeemed me and kept me awoken. Keep me sleeping too, in order to stay by Christ and rest in peace. Amen.


If the demon lures the souls. One says:
Out of the way! Back with you Barrabas
Judas' fields do.
Your owner is Satan.
This soul is not yours
Nor you’ll counts on it.
This soul is God’s,
It’s done its way.
It is going toward the skies
Let him die in peace. Amen.

Barrabas was a criminal Jewish condemned to death by Ponce Pilates, who amnestied him as the Jews demanded instead of Barrabas instead of Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate was the Roman Governor, quite cruel to the occupied people as only this way he could maintain the discipline. His most famous sentence concerning Christ's condemnation is: I "wash my hands" signifying: that is your concern. I gave you the choice between condemn Christ or to condemn a criminal like Barrabas. You chose Christ to be crucified and tortured, then I wash my hands.
Starting from this event, the Jews, in spite of they be a very intelligent people and having contributed a lot to the humanity's progress, they hadn’t peace any more. They have always been living dispersed through the world and only starting from 1948 they returned to Christ's Land, but always in constant fright and fight with the neighbours.
The Christians think it is the punishment for the injustice they committed. The truth is that, if that event had not taken place probably Christ would not have created the powerful Catholic Church. It would be one more prophet in the middle of the many that existed on that time.

The word leave him is masculine because it refers to the body. The soul doesn't die.


Death is cruel and strong.
It dies everyone:
It will die the king and the Pope.
To death escapes none.
If I’ll get a penny I’ll buy a pot
To enter,
I’ll cover it very well sheltered
And it will be my luck.
It passes there everyone and nobody sees me.
Only so I’m going to getaway to death.


Where is Jesus' Saint Name doesn't enter any evil.
I beg you, lost Spirit, on behalf of the Almighty why are you tormenting this body (say the person's name that suffers).
At this time and in this moment, I conjure you in order to admit your intentions. I call for my witnesses blessed Saint Barbara, Saint Gabriel and Saint Michael Archangel to pray for you to the Lord and so you be purified in the kingdom of God."

The exorcism is repeated, if necessary, five times.
It should be said calmly and with the right hand stretched in direction of the person tormented by the evil.
If the patient calms it’s a sign that the spirit heard, but stay attentive to the subsequent words. There one says the following prayer.

Be at night or during the day. In the morning and in the afternoon at dawn I implore the Virgin Mary that here came down attended by Her Son to throw His bless here, the patient to calm and the spirit forgive if he will head for God and there he can rest in the light come from the skies.
In praise of God and of the Virgin Mary and of the saints that accompanied an our Father and a Hail Mary.


This request may only be done as extreme necessity and people of strong heart.
The pulsations reach proportions to stripe the collapse and I only publish it because I tested her four times. Two was right and two have failed because the assistants didn't tolerate the pressure and unfeasible the intended effect on fainting

To accomplish this prayer-invocation it is suitable between seven and nine people to gather. One of them, the advisor, asks for a relative or a friend you want to see. All conceive the person's name, even if they haven’t been acquainted with them. Nobody is allowed to think about another subject except in that persons’ name that repeat mental and continually as soon as the session begins.
In the middle of the circle it is standing a round vessel, in glass, with water. The receptacle must measure 50 centimetres of diameter in the minimum. Two vulgar candles should tack it.
Between midnight and one hour one makes the invocation that can never overpass 50 minutes. If it doesn't go down, forget. Insist after three months. Never before.

If there are standing seven people each one of them calls once for the person that has in his thought and that can never remove from there. If they are nine, we have to do nine invocations.
Who drives the invocation and without conversation among the presents, that person, when arriving his turn makes it in the last position, adds, to the calling, the following:

On behalf of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (while this person says this, the others only think about the spirit. Let us suppose his name is Ezequiel Matias. In the head of the other assistants it is only this thought: Ezequiel Matias, Ezequiel Matias, Ezequiel Matias...) I conjure you (he says the invoked person's name; Ezequiel Matias, the name that we gave as example) in order to present you in body and soul here in this receptacle that we prepared for the saints apostles' power that they created the saint Church and whom everyone obeys. I ask you on behalf of God and of the Virgin that you make yourself visible in this water, as so many times She (referred to the Virgin) sinks from the skies.
I invoke God so that He lets get out from his love’s kingdom and I invoke Saint Judas Thaddeus, Santa Catharine and Saint Expedite to accompany you up to where I point out.
All make the invocation again, of the invoked person's name, in moderate voice. As soon as the advisor speaks in last, all remain silent, all fasten the glance in the jug with water, always with the thought totally busy with the person's name whose spirit is invoked. Among the seven or the nine minutes, as the number of assistants, the spirit will lower and there it will stay until that the advisor tells it in a very calm voice:

As well as the saints brought you, They take you in peace.

When the spirit disappears, all continue in silence and only to the end of other seven or nine minutes should light the lights and they keep the conversations for the following day.

The water where the spirit sank should be distributed equally by all the presents that should leave it in an open flagon and in a corner of the house till it evaporates totally.


This exorcism was published by order of Leo XIII. He was Pope between 1878 and 1903. In his encyclical Rerum Novarum, Leo XIII leans on the rights and duties of the capital and of the work. But maybe believing that in the middle of the man's imbecility because with conscience, a lot of times it seems not to have it, thought that he should not totally be blamed, Leo XIII decided to authorize the exorcisms for so to move away, once and for all, the evil, that should be the inspirer of the mistakes that the men commit.

This exorcism can be made at home where the angers and the discord are constant. Churches, streets and everywhere where it dwells disturbance.

Before beginning the exorcism the people bless themselves: on behalf of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

On behalf of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord and with the intercession of the immaculate Virgin God’s Mother, Saint Michael Archangel, the Saint apostles Peter and Paul and of all the Saints, we undertook the battle to move away, with insistence, the attacks and ambushes of the demon.
One prays on foot.
Appear the Mister and be dispersed their enemies and escape from his presence those that hate HIM, and vanish as disappears smoke. And like it melts the wax on the fire so the sinners perish before the face of God.
Here is the cross of the Lord. Run away potential enemies. It won the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the descendant of David.
That Your mercy be over us, as we wait over You.
We exorcise you the filthy spirit, satanic potency, infernal invasion, meeting and diabolical sect, in name and power of Ours Lord Jesus Christ. (The people, in silence, bless themselves making the cross sign on the forehead). They repeat aloud. Christ.
Be uprooted (rooted up, destroyed) of the Church of God and of the souls rescued by the precious blood of the Divine Lamb (the people, in silence, cross themselves).
Since this moment you don't dare plus, perfidious serpent, to deceive the human being, to pursue (they bless themselves) the Church of God and to shake and to sift, as wheat, the elect of God.
It orders you the Almighty, to which, in your big superb, you suppose to be similar.
It orders you God Father (they bless themselves)
It orders you God Son (they bless themselves)
It orders you the Holy Spirit (they bless themselves)
It orders you Christ, eternal Verb of God done meat (they bless themselves) for salvation of our progeny (ancestry, origin) lost. For your envy he humiliated and became obedient till death.
It orders you the sacred sign of the cross (to do the sign of the cross, in silence) and the power of all of the mysteries of our Christian faith.
It orders you the Powerful Mother of God the Virgin Mary (to do the sign of the cross, in silence) that from her Immaculate Conception's first instant, for his humility, squeezed your proud head.
Cursed dragon, and the whole diabolical legion, we exorcise you for God (they bless themselves) alive. By God (they bless themselves, in silence) true. By God (they bless themselves
, in silence) sacred.
Stop deceiving the human creatures and spilling over them the poison of the eternal condemnation.
Cease damaging the church and trapping into their freedom.
Go away Satan! Inventor and master of mistakes. Enemy of the man's salvation. Let the place free to Christ. Give up the place to the Church. Humiliate you under the powerful hand of God.
Shake and flee to the invocation done by us, from the Saint and terrible name of Jesus, that makes the hell to shake, to which, the virtues of the skies, the powers (the angels of the sixth hierarchy) are under control (the fourth angels’ order) are submissive and that the cherubs (angels of the first hierarchy) and the seraphs (angels of the first hierarchy) praise saying unceasingly:
Sacred. Sacred. Saint is the Lord you, God of the armies.
The Eucharistic heart (consecrated Host) of Jesus, for that love fire, in which you burned in the solemn moment in which you felt completely to us in the Sacred Sacrament.
Lowly we begged you that you deign to get rid us mightily and to keep us unharmed of all power, bow, mistake and wickedness of the infernal spirits.

You Eucharistic heart of Jesus liberate us, more and more, of the ambushes of Satan.

Sprinkle the place with holy water.


On behalf of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I abjure you filthy angel, which intend to enter me and to corrupt me.
I abjure you three times. I expel you and I don't want you.
For the sacred power of Christ's Cross, for the power of his Divine wounds, I exorcise you, Evil infect, so that you cannot try my calm soul and the home where only God has entrance. Amen.

On telling the exorcism makes the sign of the cross always in the final points. Repeat the exorcism five times.
In every time that you say it, you’ll put your hands over the head of the person affected. And this more or less one minute, and repeat the exorcism, in a maximum of five times and with always the same procedure.


A very poor woman had three daughters. Two were very bad and they thought themselves more beautiful and intelligent than the younger sister.
The mother had enormous difficulties to get food for sustenance the family.
One day, without food and without money she decided to sell the only good she owned, that were the apples of a single apple tree.
She went to the apple tree to pluck a basket with the most beautiful apples and she asked the oldest daughter to go and sell them to the market.
The daughter, full of vanity, said that she was going to do a lot of money with those very beautiful apples.
On the way she found an old woman who asked her:
- What are you carrying in that little basket my little girl?
She answered:
- Little stones.
- Very well. Then stones will rise, my little girl, exclaimed the little old woman.
When arriving at the market she realized with amazement that she found in the place of the apples, stones instead. She went back home furious.
The mother, more and more sad and concerned went to pluck a little basket of apples again. This time she ordered the middle-aged daughter.
On the way, the old woman again asked her the same question.
- What do you transport in that little basket, my girl?
She answered:
- Little horns.
- Oh yes. Exclaimed the little old woman. Then little horns will grow up to you, my girl.
When arriving to the market she was very angry when she saw that instead of the beautiful apples, her basket was full of little horns.
She returned home very discouraged and told what had happened.
The mother's affliction was greater and greater because only remained already the more little and those already nobody bought them.
The youngest daughter before her mother's affliction asked her go to sell the remaining apples.
The sisters make fun of her:
- We didn't get to sell the most beautiful apples and you are convinced that you will sell those that are worth nothing.
The little girl insisted so much that her mother let her go.
On the way appears again the little old woman that asked:
- What do you transport in the little basket, my girl? The youth answered:
- I take little apples, my lady. The apple tree no longer had more because my sisters took the best and more beautiful to sell at the fair, but they didn't get it. Now my mother is more and more worried to get some money. No longer she knows what to do to give us some cooking.
I’m going to try to sell these ones to see if my mother leaves that sad air and cheers up. I liked so much to be happy!
The little old woman answered:
Very well my girl. The whole good falls from the sky. Then go and little apples will rise for you.
When arriving at the market she removed the towel of her little basket and she watched some beautiful and exuberant apples. The best-looking of the market.
The customers were so many that the more she sold, the more the basket became full.
When finally she has just sold, returned radiant home and with a small fortune. She got so to save her family thanks to her humility and politeness.
The little girl understood, in that moment that Our lady sank from the sky to compensate all the ones that are well-mannered and that she had the happiness of finding. Starting from that day her life has changed. She went to study and still one day we will tell whatever happened her later.


In the middle of the prayers, responsorial, blessings and exorcisms appeared me several popular stories, for times nicknamed rigmaroles, where the populations express a lot of that is going within their souls: the pain, the sadness and the happiness.
The stories furnish them forces for a better life, to face the difficulties and to solve them.
In this story, almost prayer, we observe how the children's love is beautiful for the parents and vice-versa.
The daughter makes everything to please her father and the mother everything does to solve the son's problems, although this one has as support and support bar, the word Jesus. Believing that only He could help before the dazzle he felt before the girl.

Don Marques morns a son's lack and the filial love comes to the top, not only to comfort the father at the hour of the death, but for, intuitively, to show that a daughter's value is identical to the value of a son.

The bells are tolling for the knight Marques that feels dying. For seven nights, without getting to end, with a very big sorry that doesn't let him go.
The friars and the priests to whom Marques protected pray and between creeds and Hail-Queens one asks for the help of the skies. But Don Marques wanted to die peacefully and he doesn't get tired of saying:
I am a sad little old man and the wars will finish me, from three children that I have, I haven’t a single male son.
The newest daughter answers: with all reverence, weapons and horses will come that I’ll be a male son.
Don Marques: you have long hair, daughter, to recognize you they will go.
Daughter: let’s come a pair of scissors that I want to see it on the ground.
Let’s come weapons and horses that I will be a male son.
Don Marques: you have very high shoulders, daughter, to recognize you they will go.
Daughter: let’s come very heavy weapons that they will lower.
Let’s come weapons and horses that I will be a male son.
Don Marques: you have very big bosom, daughter, to recognize you they will go.
Daughter: let’s come home a tailor to do the fair “bordão” (breastplate).
Let’s come weapons and horses that I will be a male son.
Don Marques: you have little eyes, daughter, to recognize you they will go.
Daughter: when they’ll look to me, I will look at the ground.
Let’s come weapons and horses that I will be a male son.
Don Marques: you have a little mouth, daughter, to recognize you they will go.
Daughter: when they’ll look at me, I will look at the ground.
Let’s come weapons and horses that I will be a male son.
Don Marques: you have very little feet, daughter, to recognize you they will go.
Daughter: Let’s come some boots, never again from here they will leave.
Let’s come weapons and horses that I will be a male son.

Dom Marques' daughter, that took her father’s name, went to the army. But one of the mates has a strange sensation. It was man's attraction that feels woman attractive for close, what worried him. He says quite so to his mother:

Jesus, my mother, that I die from heart choke.
Dom Marques' sweet eyes belong to woman, not man.
Mother: invited her, my son, to come to have dinner with you. If she will be a woman, in the lowest bank she will sit down.
Don Marques, as smart, that knew how to respect, still bent the overcoat for higher to turn.
Son: Jesus, my mother, that I die from heart choke.
Don Marques' sweet eyes belong to woman, not man.
Mother: invite her then my son to go to the garden for a walk, if she‘ll be a woman the carnations she‘ll pick.
Don Marques, as smart, for the carnations has passed and to the roses went to catch.
Son: Jesus, my mother, that I die from heart choke.
Don Marques' sweet eyes belong to woman, not man.
Mother: invite her then, my son, to the market go for a walk. If he will be a woman, the ribbons will seduce her.
Don Marques, as smart, that knew how to respect. Beautiful ribbons are there for a lady to dress up; beautiful swords there are for with them Don Marques to fight.
Son: Jesus, my mother, that I die from heart choke.
Don Marques' sweet eyes belong to woman, not man.
Mother: invite her then, my son, to go to swim with you, if she doesn't be a man to fear has to be.
Cornered in this cul - de - sac Dom Marques' daughter, that also had fallen in love with the boy, deposes the weapons and as meanwhile the father is about to expire, she has this relief:
Seven years I fought in the war without anybody to know me. If I was their others seven years the king I’d ruin.
Addressing the boy she tells him:
I ‘m wearing a boot and another to put on. Who will wants to marry me, to my father's house will go to fetch me.

Note: The word “bordão” means the part of the old armours destined to protect the chest.
Usually this protection with this name is the protection for the shirt front of the horses. Here it appears with the same meaning for the humans for best to soften the "virility" of a feminine illustration, but that, for the exalted love that has the father, she doesn't care of accepting ,even sacrificing her fragility, her charm, her sweetness and her love desire, only for seeing him happy.


Saint of this day
That kept me from the dangers and works.
That escorted me in my thoughts
And in all my acts,
In whatever I did and I wanted to do
Shelter me during the night from dangers and thorny situations, And I give me a peaceful night.


I’m going to this bed
For sleeping and rest.
If the death will want to take me
And my heart cannot have a word
I lean on the carnations
I attach myself to the cross
I bestow my soul
To the infant Jesus.
And to fall asleep
I lean on the Virgin Mary
That is my light and my guide.


In this bed I lied down,
Seven little angels in it I found.
Three to the feet,
Four to the headboard.
Ours Lady in the front.
She told me: sleep and rest
Be not afraid of none.
The little saints praying,
The angels singing
For my relaxing sleeping.
Blissful the soul
That is going been to bed now.

If the person says this prayer and she will get rid of all her head concerns, she will calmly fall asleep and the following day will solve with more easiness all that which seemed complicated and difficult to solve.

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